Indications: Suspected narcotic overdose, when response unit is stocked and equipment for Naloxone administration.
Contraindications: None
Suspected narcotic overdose
Victim is poorly responsive and respiratory rate appears slow or shallow, or victim is unresponsive and not breathing
Procedure: ensure ALS unit is en route
Stimulate the victim to determine unresponsiveness.
NARCAN Administer Narcan Nasal Spray 4 mg preloaded single dose device
Administer full dose in one nostril
Plug other nostril
Naloxone - Pre-fill syringe
Assemble 2 mg Naloxone in syringe and atomizer
Administer 1 mg into each nostril (½) total dose into each nostril
May repeat once
Post Narcan Treatment: After Narcan administration, observe for improved breathing and consciousness; if breathing or consciousness do not improve, assist breathing with bag-valve-mask or begin CPR if appropriate. If CPR not necessary and it is possible, place patient in left lateral position to avoid aspiration.
Documentation: Time of assistance with auto-injector, dose given, response to treatment and repeat V/S, route (IN)