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Unstable VT / Wide Complex Tachycardia (that persists post cardioversion)


150 mg slow IV / IO over 1 min

May repeat after 3 min

150 mg IVP (300 mg max)

VF or Pulseless VT / Wide Complex Tachycardia

300 mg IV / IO

May Repeat after 3 min

150 mg IVP/IO (450 mg max)


Unstable VT / Wide Complex Tachycardia (that persists post cardioversion)  BHO


5 mg/kg IV

(150 mg max single dose)

Slowly over 10 min. Base Hospital Order


VF or Pulseless VT / Wide Complex Tachycardia


5 mg/kg IV / IO

(150 mg max single dose),

May repeat 5 mg/kg IV/IO, in 5 min and 10 min (450 mg Max)


* V Fib and VT / Wide Complex Tachycardia without a pulse

* Unstable VT / Wide Complex Tachycardia with a pulse



- Contraindication in 2nd and 3rd degree heart block, bradycardia.


- Rapid IV use may cause hypotension, bradycardia, and heart block.

- If AICD discharges 2 or > firings or unstable (loss of consciousness, poor VS, or recurrent ventricular arrhythmia) after AICD discharge, Base Hospital Contact for possible CVRC destination or possible medication administration.

PEDS - Amiodarone
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