New UPDATED 10/1/2019
Access the blood sugar:
→If mental status, vital signs, and pulse oximetry normal AND:
Glucose < 250 (no other ALS intervention / transport indicated)
BLS Transport
Glucose > 250
is confused / lethargic, OR
has a heart rate greater than 120, OR
has a respiratory rate greater than 20 and labored breathing, OR
has history of fever, OR
O2 Saturation less than 94%
Consider DKA
ALS Transport
High flow O2, Monitor rhythm, IV access, Infuse up to 1 liter of NS (if no signs of fluid overload)
Glucose > 250 - 400 (no other ALS intervention / transport indicated)
BLS Transport
The following patients have a higher risk of poor medical outcomes from higher sustained glucose readings:
Active cancer
Renal failure
Liver disease
Active abdominal pain with vomiting
Congestive Heart Failure
Organ transplant
Frail Elderly
Consider ALS Transport
Glucose > 400 (or reading of Ketones)
ALS Transport
High flow O2, Monitor rhythm, IV access, Infuse up to 1 liter of NS (if no signs of fluid overload)
1:10,000 = 0.1mg/mL
1:1000 = 1mg/mL