Fall 2019 Updates
Pit Crew CPR
New high performance CPR policy
Glucose <250 and Asymptomatic = BLS Transport
Glucose 250-400 and Asymptomatic = BLS Transport
Glucose 250-400 and Symptomatic = ALS Transport + Fluids
Glucose 400+ = ALS Transport + Fluids (if Symptomatic)
Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD)
Only change is the addition of contacting a CCERC for Base Contact
Cardiopulmonary Arrest - PEDS
Only change is the addition of contacting a CCERC for Base Contact
Allergic Reaction / Anaphylaxis - PEDS
Burn (Thermal, Electrical, Chemical) - PEDS
Only change is the addition of contacting a CCERC for Base Contact
9-1-1 Advanced Life Support Base Contact, Standing Order, and Transport Criteria
Ambulance Transport Ventilator
Spring 2019 Updates
The GlasgowComa Scale should be reported to the MICN explaining each element. “Patient is a 4, 5, 6 for a total of 15.”
PVADs can only be accessed as a Standing Order on full arrests, all other times is a Base Order.
Addition of Hydroxocobalamin as a drug and CynoKit as a procedure. This is for smoke inhalation calls. The BCs will have the Drug in the near future.
New Supraglottic Airways are approved for Orange County, and now can be used as the primary airway; King or iGel.
Rash only = Transport
Facial/Cervical Angioedema = Epi 0.5 mg IM, lateral thigh, Benadryl 50 mg
Wheezing or Hypoxia = Epi 0.5 mg IM, lateral thigh, Benadryl 50 mg, Albuterol, may repeat the Epi twice for a total of 3.
Anaphylaxis = Epi 0.5 mg IM, lateral thigh, Benadryl 50 mg, repeat Epi IM or IV in 5 min., Base contact after that.
Deleted seizure, hypoglycemia, and GCS from exclusion criteria. Changed the time frame from 7 hours to 24 hours.
Corrected some drug dosing on the I-20 chart
Deleted GCS from criteria
Added Failure to follow commands
Deleted flail chest
Added blunt chest injury with abdominal respirations
Added any abdominal tenderness
Added pregnant with blunt or penetrating trauma
Added blunt head injury with bruising and anticoagulation
Added EMS judgment
Deleted special considerations
Added language to address death at scene