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Normal Saline


Hypotension due to hypovolemia, dehydration, shock (including Anaphylaxis), PEA / Asystole, Sepsis, (Excited Delirium or Stimulant Intoxication – IV only)


250 mL IV / IO bolus, may repeat to 1 liter SO.


Traumatic full arrest, traumatic shock or hypotension, hypotension (hypovolemia) with vaginal hemorrhage, crush injury of major muscle group greater than 1 hour


250 mL IV / IO bolus, continue NS as wide open to maintain perfusion.


Crush Injury of major muscle group greater than 1 hour


250 mL IV / IO prior to release, continue wide open to attain or maintain perfusion.


Maintain Adequate Perfusion


20 mL/kg IV / IO, may repeat bolus twice SO.




3 mL Ned (Mask or HHN), continuous as tolerated.


- Use with Caution if signs of heart failure, CHF or rales.

- BH may order 2nd liter in adults, non-trauma.

- Shock in peds manifested as:

- Tachycardia - Weak distal pulse

- Poor skins signs - Delayed Cap Refill

- ALOC - Low Blood Pressure

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